Why do people go insane?, Have you ever asked yourself this same question?, If YES, what was your answer?, Research has shown surprisingly, that half of the people who go insane have nothing organically wrong with them, no human can give a specific answer on the reason why these people are insane.
Dane Carnegie once asked a doctor this same question, the reply was even much more appalling than the question itself, he answered 'many people who go insane find in insanity a feeling of importance that they were unable to achieve in real world'.
Dear reader, I know losing weight is definitely your problem and that is the reason you are reading this, you want to achieve in this real world a perfect, athletic and beautiful body. They are all good desires, and the purpose of this article is to make sure you don't go insane to find your accomplishment. All you need for now is the needed knowledge and having done a great number of researches before putting this article up for you to read, I hypothetically beat my chest that all you need to fulfil this goal is at a stone throw. In this article I will talk on 7 tangible reasons you are not losing weight or 7 reasons you are gaining weight instead of losing it as you wish.
1. Lack of the required amount of sleep
Research shows that women who sleep more than 7 hours in the night are more likely to shed more weight than those who sleep less. Do you know that Losing sleep or perhaps failure to sleep at the appropriate time affects metabolism?, It will keep making you feel hungry each time you wake up thus increasing your urge to eat more than you're required to. It also affects the secretion of CORTISOL, one of the hormones in charge of the regulation of appetite. The normal duration of sleep at night is 8 hours.2. Stress Level
Stress itself is a killer on its own. This affects losing of weight too in the sense that if you get stressed up you tend to function less than your normal self hereby forcing your body to save the energy you are supposed to have used up and as a result leads to gaining of more weight. Frustration and stress also stimulate and increases the production of the hormone called CORTISOL which increases appetite as well as causing extra fat storage around the abdominal region. It is also linked to cholesterol and diabetes. Therefore, always take a few minutes to relax, cool yourself off, visit a spa for regular massage, cut down your working hours and increase your play time too. This works wonders.3. Eating More
This in most cases, is the sole cause of getting overweight. A lot of people tend to grab anything that comes their way, whether or not they are hungry. Watch what you eat, also, eat well but right, wrong dieting such as skipping meals could be very wrong for you if you want to cut down your weight, skipping meals would only help in making you hungrier and helping you eat more in the end. Research has shown that eating very little meals such as snacks at least once in three hours instead of the normal bulk foods goes a long way in helping you cut down your weight. Eating foods that are high in proteins help very well too, foods in this regard, could be chicken (without the skins), egg white (also known as the albumen), and many others. Self-control helps in this wise.I know this is always difficult to do but let your burning desire to look smart and attractive outweigh your passion for food. Do not forget, that the desire of a feeling of importance was what inspired Dickens to write his immortal works, therefore, let your desire to lose weight inspire you to your immortal looks.4. Inconsistency
Be consistent with your program, exercises, workouts or routines, your body needsto adapt to a program for the effectiveness of such a program. When your body is finally adapting and you fail by skipping some workouts, your body then feels you're ushering in another program and thus seeks to adapt to it again by helping you store even more fat than you do before. Skipping too many workouts however is disastrous, it is just like starting again if not even worse.
5. Improper Monitoring
Allocate enough time to succeed and see results, experts recommend losing 1-2 pounds a week, but you have to define your goal and record every progress along the way from the beginning. Track and record of every weight lost, be consistent and give out enough time to see results. Remember ancient Rome wasn't built in a day.6. Lack of Guidance
A complete process of losing weight could be hastened or rather be more effective if a proper weight loss program is in place to guide you through the whole process, by providing you with exact procedures that professionals have used and those that have worked for many others, so that you can be certain that yours wouldn't be an exception even right from the start. There are lots and lots of these programs around, however, one that is beginner-friendly, easy to use and even supports you still eating your favorites once in a while during the weight loss process could be found my blog. (Don't worry I'll leave you the address in the resource box below.)7. Indiscipline
Above all, indiscipline in a weight loss process could be very harmful to you. Putting your mind into what you are doing will help you in the long run. Know what you want and pursue it, it'll pay off in the end. Apply every fact you have learned, and stay with them strictly and you'll surely reap the benefits I'm sure. Even so, I figured out a sentence that can help you as long as you can say it to yourself anytime you want to eat. It goes thus " I'll get the Body I want, will this help me?, I'll get the Body I want" saying that will bring you to correct yourself if you're almost making a mistake, increase your will power and would help impact your overall discipline through the weight loss process thus leading to success in the end.I wish you every success possible,
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